
Millennium Dental Technologies through the years

See some of our corporate and clinical highlights across the decades.


Dr. Robert Gregg begins research into dental lasers and in four years has a prototype for what would eventually become the PerioLase® MVP-7™.


Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc. is formed to market the PerioLase® MVP-7™.


Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc. first specified the “Laser ENAP” laser incision new attachment procedure.


Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc. applies for a patent for “Laser Excisional New Attachment Procedure,” and establishes the core philosophy, “It’s all about the patient.”


Laser ENAP patent is granted to Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc.


LANAP® Protocol becomes the first periodontal and laser periodontics treatment ever to be granted a U.S. patent.


“Laser ENAP for Periodontal Bone Regeneration” is published in Dentistry Today.


The PerioLase is cleared by the U.S. FDA and introduced to the dental industry.


The Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry is established.


Laser ENAP evolves to the LANAP protocol.


Millennium Dental Technologies receives the first clearance from the Food and Drug Administration to market the PerioLase® MVP-7 as a device for laser curettage (removal of diseased or inflamed soft tissue in the periodontal pocket) and enamel caries removal. The PerioLase MVP-7 is introduced into the market.


Millennium Dental Technologies receives U.S. FDA clearance of enamel caries removal. Ongoing research continues.


Abstract on the LANAP protocol is published by Raymond Yukna, DMD, MS in the International Association for Dental Research (IADR)


Millennium Dental Technologies receives U.S. FDA clearance for the LANAP protocol, Laser assisted new attachment procedure (cementum-mediated periodontal ligament new-attachment to the root surface in the absence of long junctional epithelium.) and a second abstract is published in the IADR.


MDT continues to grow and expand throughout the United States.


Raymond Yukna, DMD, MS submits histological study to the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry (IJPRD).


Histological evaluation of the LANAP protocol on humans by Raymond Yukna, DMD, MS passes peer-review and is published by the IJPRD.


A second human histological study is begun by a different researcher, Marc Nevins, DMD, MMSc from Harvard University.


LANAP® Multi-Centered Clinical Study begins with study design and review. University of Colorado dental school begins collecting data from patients treated during training.


Patient treatment begins for the LANAP® Multi-Centered Clinical Study.


Android™ PerioLase MVP-7 debuts at the Chicago Midwinter Dental Meeting. This is the first integration of an Android tablet into a medical device.


Lloyd Tilt, DDS publishes a collection of peer-reviewed results documenting a 10-year retrospective of the LANAP protocol. The study shows consistent, predictable regenerative outcomes and tooth retention over time.


Second Human Histological study supporting the efficacy of the LANAP protocol is published by the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry (IJPRD). There are now two published histology studies supporting the LANAP protocol; one by Raymond Yukna, DMD, MS and one by Marc Nevins, DMD, MMSc.


Preliminary data from five sites of the LANAP® Multi-Centered Clinical Study presented at the American Academy of Periodontology Annual Meeting. Multiple clinical cases peer-reviewed and published in the Journal of Periodontics by respected periodontists I. Stephen Brown, David Mangot and Charles Braga.


Case study on the successful treatment of failing implants using the LAPIP protocol published by Allen Honigman, DDS, MS.


LAPIP protocol for ailing and failing implants introduced at the American Academy of Periodontology Annual Meeting.


Even more studies are published demonstrating the LANAP protocol’s regenerative ability including a peer-reviewed manuscript from the LANAP® Multi-Centered Clinical Study and an abstract of 6-month data in the IARD.


A second peer-reviewed article is published by Marc Nevins, DMD, MS in IJPRD, analyzing additional data from the second histological study.


A new study is begun at the University of Colorado under researcher Raymond Yukna, DDS, MS.


New patent applications and new FDA applications are filed.


World’s First FDA Clearance for True Regeneration.