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As professionals who work directly and/or indirectly in the field of dentistry, it can be easy to get wrapped up in our individual goals related to career aspirations and practice growth. It’s important, however, that we don’t lose sight of putting patients first — ensuring they receive the highest caliber of care that will make […]
As the year rapidly draws to a close, it’s time for another Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontics (AAP). Held this year in Vancouver, BC, the meeting will take commence on October 27, 2018. Attending another meeting may be low on your list of priorities, as you might worry about it taking valuable […]
DentistryIQ recently posed the three questions to ask yourself when making difficult technology decisions for your dental practice. While you can’t put a price on providing your patients with a treatment option they prefer, it’s also important to take your practice’s financial health into consideration. Below, we answer each of the questions to explain why […]
If you’re reading this blog, you probably know that gum disease is one of the most prevalent health conditions among American adults. You know that gum disease has been shown to have ties to potentially fatal illnesses like cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. You’re probably a dentist or periodontist who sees it day in […]
LANAP® Regenerative Specialist Yetta McCullom, DDS, MS will be performing a live LANAP® treatment at this year’s Greater New York Dental Meeting. The live demonstration allows clinicians to see exactly what goes into treating a patient with periodontitis using the LANAP® Protocol, as well as ask questions and hear about her nearly 10-year experience with […]
Yes, it’s true that you can save one third – 33% – on capital equipment investments using Section 179! Dentists are besieged with marketing communications to encourage purchases by the end of the year, but what extent of the promised savings are hype versus reality? Here are the quick basics: Section 179 of the IRS […]
If you’re already a LANAP clinician, you know treating gum disease can be less resective, less painful for the patient when compared to traditional surgery and still yield incredible results. Now, you can make the process even more beneficial for you and your patients with the addition of QuickSplint, a custom-fit interim bite-plane, to the […]
Patient referrals are essential for growing a dental practice, and even more so with a dental specialty practice. Without a steady flow of new patients coming through the practice doors, you could an empty schedule and decrease in production. The Wealthy Dentist reported that referrals are the most valuable source of new patients and that […]
Gum Disease -what the dental profession knows comes as a shock to patients. One dental office had unexpected results when they used Gum Disease Awareness as a marketing tool. Help spread awareness of this silent killer and help your patients' total health.