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The IALD (Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry) trains hundreds of dentists year in and year out, and one of our hallmarks is the live-patient training we offer. But a little-known by-product of offering this hands-on learning experience is that we have treated hundreds of patients over the years as a part of the program too, […]
Over 80% of US adults suffer from some degree of gum disease, making it one of the most common diseases in America. Yet, only 60% know they have it. And worse yet, only 3% of adults with moderate to severe levels of gum disease will accept treatment – mostly due to fear. If left untreated, […]
The year was 1994. Bill Clinton was two years into his first term, Nelson Mandela had just been elected as South Africa’s first black president, and the World Wide Web wasn’t a big thing yet. Rocking in the aftershocks of Southern California’s 6.7 Northridge earthquake, Doctor Robert Gregg founded Millennium Dental Technologies (MDT) to explore […]
85% of US adults have gum disease. And you just found out that you are one of them. Great. Now What? There are a variety of treatment options, all with a common goal: killing the germs, removing the infection and closing up the pockets. The first recommendation for treatment for the early stages of periodontal […]
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted the first-ever clearance for “Periodontal regeneration – true regeneration of the attachment apparatus (new cementum, new periodontal ligament, and new alveolar bone) on a previously diseased root surface when used specifically in the LANAP® protocol.” (FDA 510(k)-151763). The significance of this clearance is that regeneration of periodontal […]