September is National Self Improvement Month, a great reminder that investing time in yourself is an important aspect of staying mentally healthy.  As the seasons transition from Summer to Autumn, this is the perfect time to reflect on what we’d like to change about ourselves.  We asked LANAP clinicians what one simple habit they do that they’d recommend for others, or one habit they’d like to focus on this month.  Here is their advice, from the practical to the aspirational.

Walk at least one mile and drink warm water instead of coffee first thing in the morning.

There are two goals to focus on this September – first is remembering to listen more than talking.  Second, be sure to compliment those around you. There is always something you can find in someone that is positive!

This next goal is ALWAYS on my list. (ha!)

Be organized! It saves time and money.

Establish a routine and stick with it!

  • Samia Suleiman-Ata, DDS, MS
  • Elite Dental Specialists

Take time for yourself and meditate. You’ll be surprised what 5 minutes of time a day – for yourself – can do for your well-being, both mental and physical. Meditation can take many different forms: yoga, prayer, or simply sitting by yourself and taking deep breaths with your eyes closed. Give yourself some quiet time.

Read a new book monthly.

I’m always learning by listening to podcasts about fitness, business, or healthy while I’m driving or cleaning the house.