LAPIP™ Protocol

Save ailing and failing implants with a tissue-sparing, non-destructive treatment

LAPIP™ Protocol explained

The LAPIP™ protocol is the only patient-friendly, predictable solution for ailing implants. Studies indicate that 94% of failing implants treated with the LAPIP™ protocol have reintegrated in the pocket.

  • Most patients need just one appointment
  • Less pain and more comfortable healing than other surgical options
  • Kills bacteria without harming healthy tissue
  • Minimizes gum recession for a confident smile
  • 100% natural – no foreign materials or growth factors used
  • Safe for medically compromised patients, those on blood thinners or those with diabetes

About peri-implantits

Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory reaction (infection) that causes the loss of bone around a dental implant. When bone no longer supports an implant, the implant becomes loose and will need to be removed.

What is the difference between peri-mucositis and peri-implantitis?

Both are an infection around the implant; peri-mucositis is the early stages of the infection and does not involve bone loss. Peri-implantitis is the progression of the infection that includes bone loss.

What happens if I don’t treat peri-implantitis?

If you choose not to treat the infection around your implant, it will continue to progress and destroy the bone. The implant will become loose and may actually fall out; the infection can spread to the teeth around the implant.

What causes peri-implantitis?

Just as there are many causes of gum disease, there are many causes of periimplant infections including poor oral care and grinding your teeth. Risk factors include medical issues such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and a poor immune system. Smokers and patients with an initial diagnosis of gum disease are at higher risk of implant loss.

Overview of the LAPIP™ Protocol

The LAPIP™ protocol uses the PerioLase® MVP-7™ dental laser to help save your implant.

Laser vaporizes bacteria, diseased tissue, and titanium corrosion contaminants in soft tissue

Laser is used to form a stable blood clot containing activated stem cells from your own bone and create a sealed gum pocket

Bite trauma is adjusted

Regeneration of bone around the implant.