Laser dentistry

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

Lasers are an exciting advancement in the field of dentistry, now well-established in the dental armamentarium for both soft tissue and hard tissue procedures. Multiple types of dental lasers exist, each with unique properties which have significant differences in their individual benefits and limitations.

Common lasers in dentistry

There are 4 common laser types in dentistry each with a unique laser-tissue interaction based on wavelength. Laser types are named after the active medium – the actual component that produces the laser energy when stimulated.

  • Diode
  • Nd:YAG
  • Erbium
  • CO2

Light is measured in wavelengths

Each wavelength interacts with tissue differently: The 1064 wavelength passes through water and Hydroxyapatite; but is absorbed in melanin and hemoglobin. Dental wavelengths are:

  • Diodes 830-1,064nm
  • Nd:YAG 1,064nm
  • Erbium 2,790-2,940nm
  • CO2 9.3-10.6nm

Different modes in laser dentistry

There are 4 common laser types in dentistry each with a unique laser-tissue interaction based on wavelength. Laser types are named after the active medium – the actual component that produces the laser energy when stimulated.

  • Continuous
  • Gated mode
  • Free running pulse

Every dental laser requires attention to laser safety!

Eye protection

The patient, clinical staff and any observers must wear protective eyewear specific for the wavelength being used.

Plume control

Laser procedures create a plume that may contain hazardous chemicals and microflora.


Scored laser tips of quartz fibers are considered sharps and need to be disposed of as such.

Warning sign

Warning signs need to be in a visible place and access to the operatory limited. 


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