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Minimally invasive laser treatment helps Air Force’s largest dental unit provide unsurpassed readiness through integrated oral health.
The Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry (IALD) is pleased to announce periodontist Dan Indech, DDS has successfully completed the Instructor Candidacy program and is now a certified instructor.
Barak Wray, DMD, MS, CDR, DC, USN, joins elite group of instructors teaching the regenerative LANAP® Protocol to treat periodontal disease.
The Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry (IALD) is the first dental education CE provider to successfully resume live-patient clinical training.
A dynamic new podcast for dental professionals was launched today by the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry in partnership with Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc., adding to its 2020 virtual learning series.
Certain oral bacteria are associated with multiple diseases, including periodontitis in the oral cavity, and potentially Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and some forms of oral and non-oral cancer.
Dr. Gregg, Program Director for the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry (IALD), has been honored in the 2018 selection of Dentistry Today’s Leaders In Continuing Dental Education.
The LANAP® protocol for the treatment of periodontitis is officially protected by the United States Patent and Trademark Office
As featured in Shape magazine, the LANAP® Protocol is helping to reduce dental patient dependency on opioids.