The science behind the LANAP® and LAPIP™ Protocols

Charles Braga, DMD, MMSc 1 CEU Free Webinar – ON DEMAND

Lasers in periodontics – easier, faster, better or marketing hype?

Sunil Thanik, DMD, MSD 1 CEU Free Webinar – ON DEMAND

The use of the MMPPI in clinical practice: benefits in achieving long-term periodontal and systemic health for our patients

P.D. Miller, DDS, FISPPS and Robert A. Levine, DDS, FCPP, FISPPS 1 hour 14 minutes

Lasers in periodontics: how it works in my hands

Leslie Paris, DDS, MSD 1 CEU Free Webinar – ON DEMAND

Laser periodontal therapy: LANAP® & LAPIP™ Protocols

Sharona Dayan, DDS, MMSc 60 minutes

Grow from drilling, filling & billing to fulfilling your dreams

Charles Barotz, DDS 1 CEU Free Webinar – ON DEMAND

Lasers in periodontal surgery (from ‘Advances in Periodontal Surgery’)

Allen S. Honigman, DDS and John Sulewski | January

LANAP® case study: David Mangot, DMD | Teeth #9 and #10

Long term management of periodontal inflammatory conditions with LANAP®

Yetta McCullom, DDS, MS 21-minute Free Webinar