Gum disease and nutrient-dense food supplements: results of my in-office study

Alvin H. Danenberg, DDS | November

LANAP® case study: Yetta McCullom, DDS, MS | Teeth #19 and #30

The LANAP® Protocol and orthodontics: offering patients hope through collaborative treatment plans

Today’s FDA | Todd McCracken, DDS, MALD | May/June

Photoactivation of endogenous latent transforming growth factor directs dental stem cell differentiation for regeneration

Science Translational Medicine | Praveen R. Arany et al. | May

Change in clinical indices following laser or scalpel treatment for periodontitis: a split-mouth, randomized, multi-center trial

SPIE | David M. Harris, PhD, Dawn M. Nicholson, DDS, Et Al. | March

LANAP® immediate effects in vivo on human chronic periodontitis microbiota

American Association for Dental Research annual meeting | Thomas K. McCawley, Mark N. McCawley, and Thomas E. Rams | March

The LANAP® Protocol: the legend continues

Dentistry Today | David Mangot, DMD | November

Laser use for dental esthetics: selecting the right laser for different clinical situations

Inside Dentistry | Raymond A. Yukna, DMD, MS, Pinelopi Xenoudi, DDS, MS | November

Using a variable pulsed Nd: YAG Laser to treat periodontal disease

Inside Dentistry | Charles R. Braga, DMD, MMSc | July