New attachment procedure: using the Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser

Dentistry Today | Craig A. Long, DDS | February

21st century dentistry – a new world of treatments requires a bit less bravery

US News & World Report | Matthew Shulman | February

Histologic evaluation of an Nd: YAG Laser assisted new attachment procedure in humans

IJPRD Peer-Reviewed Study | R.A. Yukna, R. L. Carr, G. Evans | November

Laser-assisted new attachment procedure in private practice

General Dentistry | D. H. Harris, R. H. Gregg, D. K. McCarthy, L. E. Colby, L. V. Tilt | September/October

LANAP® Protocol FDA clearance K030290

Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc. | July

Human periodontal regeneration following the laser assisted new attachment procedure

Louisiana State University, New Orleans, The IADR / AADR / CADR 82nd General Session | R.A. Yukna, G. Evans, S. Vastardis and R.L.Carr | March

Periodontal regeneration in humans following the Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP®)

Proceedings of the 81st General Session of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR) | R. A. Yukna, G. H. Evans, S. Vastardis, and

Eight-year retrospective review of laser periodontal therapy in private practice

Dentistry Today | Robert H. Gregg II, DDS; Delwin K. McCarthy, DDS | February

Laser periodontal therapy for bone regeneration

Dentistry Today | Robert H. Gregg II, DDS; Delwin K. McCarthy, DDS | May